Apara Ekadashi (Jyestha Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

This Apara Ekadashi is very painful, it is painful for big sins. Those who fast on Apara Ekadashi become famous in the world. All the sins are destroyed by fasting of Apara. Those who give false testimony, those who praise falsely, those who weigh less, those who read false Vedas, hypocrites, all these go to hell, but by consuming the placenta, these sins are absolved.

Apara Ekadashi (Jyestha Krishna) Vrat Katha
(Apara Ekadashi (Jyestha Krishna) Vrat Katha)

What is the name of Ekadashi of Jyestha Krishna Paksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Jyestha Krishna Paksha is: Apara Ekadashi.

In which month does Apara Ekadashi fall?

Apara Ekadashi falls in May-June.

When does the fast of Apara Ekadashi come?

The fast of Apara Ekadashi falls on the Krishna Paksha of Jyestha month.

How to fast on Apara Ekadashi?

On the day of Ekadashi, take a bath early in the morning, worship according to the method, do kirtan of God without eating anything for the whole day.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

Bathing in all the three Pushkars on the full moon of Kartik, fasting on Shivratri in Kashi, offering Pind Daan in Gaya, taking a bath in the river Gomti, Jupiter in Leo, visiting Kedarnath in Kumbh and visiting Badrikashram. And what one gets by consuming that pilgrimage, by donating elephants, horses, and heaven in Kurukshetra during a solar eclipse, and by donating gold in a yagya, the same result a man gets by consuming a placenta.

The result that one gets by donating gold is the same result that a man gets by fasting on Apara Ekadashi, it is like an ax to cut the tree of sins and a fire to burn the fuel of sins. For the darkness in the form of sin, the sun is like, and for the deer in the form of sin, it is like a lion. A person who is afraid of sin should fast on Apara Ekadashi.

Those who do not fast on Ekadashi, they are like beetles among animals. They take birth in the world only to die. By fasting on Apara Ekadashi and worshiping Vamandev ji, humans get rid of all sins and go to Vishnu Lok. All sins are absolved by listening to its reading.


In ancient times there was a pious king named Mahidhwaj. He used to serve his subjects like his own son. But his younger brother Vajradhwaj was very cruel, unrighteous, and unjust. He used to hate his elder brother.

That sinner killed his elder brother one night and buried his body under a wild peepal tree. Due to this untimely death, the king started living on the same Peepal in the form of a ghost and started doing many mischiefs.

He used to trouble the people around him a lot. People were very upset with him. One day suddenly a sage named Dhaumya passed by. He saw the ghost and learned his past from Tapobal. With the power of his penance, he understood the cause of the mischief. When the sage understood the reason for his death, he told the people the way to get rid of this phantom vagina.

Apara (Achala) Ekadashi fast has to be observed in the Krishna Paksha of Jyestha month. By fasting on Apara Ekadashi and worshiping Vamandev Ji, humans get rid of all sins and go to Vishnu Lok. Everyone kept this fast after listening to the sage and offered his virtue to the ghost to get rid of him from Agati.

Due to the effect of this virtue, the king was freed from the ghost vagina. After thanking the sage, he took a divine body and went to heaven sitting in Pushpak Vimana.

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