Kamika Ekadashi (Shravan Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

The name of this Ekadashi is Kamika. Just listening to him gives the fruit of Ashwamedha. The one who worships Lord Vishnu with conch, chakra, and mace, the one who fasts for Kamika gets the same fruit.

Kamika Ekadashi (Shravan Krishna) Vrat Katha
Kamika Ekadashi (Shravan Krishna) Vrat Katha

When does the fast of Kamika Ekadashi come?

The fast of Kamika Ekadashi falls on the Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravan.

In which month does Kamika Ekadashi fall?

Kamika Ekadashi falls in July-August.

How to fast on Kamika Ekadashi?

The fruit that one gets by donating the material and the cow, the one who observes Kamika's fast gets the same fruit. The best person who worships Lord Shridhar in Shravan gets the fruit of worshiping all the deities, Gandharva, Urag, and Pannag, so on the day of Ekadashi, Hari should be worshiped diligently.

There is no more pious and cleansing fast than this. The man who observes the fast of Kamika, who stays awake in the night, does not see the fierce Yamraj, nor does he suffer. Yogis have attained salvation by observing Kamika's fast. One who worships Hari with Tulsi leaves stays away from sins as a lotus leaf stays away from water. Vishnu is not as pleased with the worship of gems, pearls, emeralds, coral, etc. as he is pleased with the worship of basil leaves.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

The one who has worshiped Lord Keshav with Tulsi Manjari has erased the account of sins of the whole life, which removes all sins by seeing Tulsi, brings near to God, and gives salvation by offering it at the feet of God, to that Tulsi. On the day of Ekadashi, whose lamp is lit in front of God, his ancestors go to heaven and get satisfied by drinking nectar.

The man who lights a lamp with ghee or oil and goes to the sun world after being illuminated by crores of lamps. That's why one should fast on Kamika Ekadashi which destroys sins. It is going to remove Brahmahatya and abortion. The person who gives heaven and special virtue go to Baikunth after listening to its greatness with devotion.


A brave Kshatriya lived in a village. One day due for some reason he had a scuffle with a Brahmin and the Brahmin died. Kshatriya wanted to perform the actions of a Brahmin who died at his own hands. But the pandits refused him to join the action. Brahmins told that you are guilty of Brahma-hatya. First, repent and get rid of this sin, then we will have food at your house.

On this, the Kshatriya asked what is the way to get rid of this sin. Then the Brahmins told that on the Ekadashi of the Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravan, fasting and worshiping Lord Shridhar with devotion, feeding the Brahmins, and getting blessings along with Sadashreena will get rid of this sin. On the night of fasting according to the method told by the pandits, Lord Shridhar gave darshan to the Kshatriya and said you have got freedom from the sin of Brahma-hatya.

By observing this fast, all the sins of Brahm-killing, etc. are destroyed and after enjoying happiness in this world, the living beings go to Vishnulok in the end. By hearing and reciting the greatness of this Kamika Ekadashi, humans attain heaven.

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