Amalaki Ekadashi (Falgun Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

The fast of Amalaki Ekadashi is going to give complete fruits. The fasting of Amalaki is the destroyer of great sins and the one who gives the fruits of a thousand cows.

Amalaki Ekadashi (Falgun Shukla) Vrat Katha
(Amalaki Ekadashi (Falgun Shukla) Vrat Katha)

What is the name of Ekadashi of falugun Shuklapaksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Falgun Shukla paksha is: Amalaki Ekadashi.

In which month does Amalaki Ekadashi fall?

Amalaki Ekadashi falls in February-March.

How to fast on Amalaki Ekadashi?

In the eighth part of the day, when the sunlight becomes dim, the name of the diet at that time is Nakta Bhojan. When to eat Take a bath at noon and become pure. By giving Dakshina to the Brahmins, bow down and ask for forgiveness. Its virtue is to the one who eats once a day. This fast is going to defeat all the sins. In this, worship Lord Damodar properly. Worship God well with Tulsi manjari and dhoop-lamp.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

This is Putrada Ekadashi which removes all sins. Narayan, who fulfills Siddhi and wishes, is its deity. There is no limit to the virtue of fasting on Ekadashi. Pilgrimage, charity, and rules, roar only until Ekadashi is not achieved, therefore people who are afraid of the world should observe Ekadashi fast. Even after doing a thousand sacrifices, there is no result equal to Ekadashi.


There was a city named Vaidish, beautified with strong men and Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Shudras. There was a beautiful sound of Vedas. There was no atheist or miscreant in that beautiful city. There was a famous king named Chaitratha. That king was as strong as ten thousand elephants, rich and knowledgeable in weapons and scriptures.

Poor and greedy did not appear in the kingdom. Humans did not eat food on both sides of Ekadashi. Leaving all other religions, he used to worship God. In this way, doing devotion to God, the man passed many years happily.

After some time Ekadashi with Dwadashi of Phalgun Shuklapaksha came. On that Ekadashi, children and old people all fasted together according to the rules. Considering this fast to be particularly fruitful, the king took a bath in the river and went to the temple. The king installed an urn filled with water and decorated it with Kshatriya, Upanah, Pancharatna, and a beautiful smell.

Worshiped Parshuram Ji with Deepmala carefully along with sages and also worshiped Amla and said Amalaki who destroys all sins! Greetings to you, accept my Arghya. At the same time, a hunter came there. Tired of hunger and hard work, suffering from the burden of sin, the one who commits violence for the sake of his family, apart from all religions, he sat there seeing the awakening of Amalaki Ekadashi and the place decorated with lamps, what is this? Thinking about this in mind, I started wondering.

He saw Lord Damodar on the urn placed there, saw the Amla tree and lamp connected there and heard the story of God from the mouth of the pundits, heard the greatness of Ekadashi even when he was hungry. The story was something like this. Once upon a time, a king named Chitrasen used to rule. The king was always a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. One day the king went far away into the forest while hunting. They were surrounded by demons. The king fainted in panic. The demons attacked him, but whatever weapon they wanted to kill the king, turned into a flower. Then suddenly a divine power appeared from the king's body and disappeared after killing all the demons. When the king regained consciousness, he saw that all the demons were dead. The king wondered who killed him? That's why the Akashvani happened - O Rajan! Vaishnavi Shakti of Amalaki Ekadashi born from your body has killed them. After killing them, it again entered your body there. The king's happiness knew no bounds after hearing this. He returned and told everyone in the state the glory of Ekadashi fast. From that day that king started fasting on Praja Ekadashi and Amalaki Ekadashi. The hunter listened to the whole story with devotion and woke up in the night with astonishment, then in the morning all the humans went to the city, that hunter also came home and ate happily. God was pleased with his fast and all his sins were removed. That hunter started living his life happily and honestly. Then after a long time the tiger died. Those great men who fast on the Ekadashi of Amal, they undoubtedly go to Vishnuloka.

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