Putrada Ekadashi (Shravan Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

There is no other festival in the world more sacred than Ekadashi. The name of Ekadashi of Shravan Shuklapaksha is Putrada. This best fast should be done to please Lord Vishnu. Keeping this vrat leads to bringing the child.
Putrada Ekadashi (Shravan Shukla) Vrat Katha
Putrada Ekadashi (Shravan Shukla) Vrat Katha

What is the name of Ekadashi of Shravan Shuklapaksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Shravan Shukla paksha is: Putrada Ekadashi.

How to fast on Putrada Ekadashi?

In the eighth part of the day, when the sunlight becomes dim, the name of the diet at that time is Nakta Bhojan. When to eat Take a bath at noon and become pure. By giving Dakshina to the Brahmins, bow down and ask for forgiveness.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

Narayan, who fulfills Siddhi and wishes, is its deity. There is no limit to the virtue of fasting on Ekadashi. Pilgrimage, charity, and rules, roar only until Ekadashi is not achieved, therefore people who are afraid of the world should observe Ekadashi fast. Even after doing a thousand sacrifices, there is no result equal to Ekadashi.


Mahijit was the king of Mahishmati city in Dwapar Yuga. He was a very majestic and virtuous king. He used to follow his Rajya like a child. But because of his childlessness, he did not like the pleasure of the palace.

In the Vedas, the life of a childless man is considered meaningless. He did a lot of charity, Yagya, etc. to get a child, but the king's child was not born. One day the king called all the learned brahmins and people of the city to find a solution to his problem.

The king said, “O Brahmins and people! You all know that I am childless. I have not committed any sin in my whole life. I have never accumulated wealth through oppression. I always followed rules. I punished criminals, thieves, and dacoits.

Made food arrangements for respected people. Respected the civilized men thinking well of the cow, brahmins. Still, O best Brahmins! Why haven't I had kids yet? What should I do so that I can get a child?”

The learned Brahmins said, "O king! We all will make such efforts that your clan will grow." Then another Brahmin said, "I have heard that a great sage lives in a forest. That Muniraj is engrossed in penance without food. Like Brahmaji, he is a divine man living the soul, winning anger. He is the knower of all the Vedas, has longevity, and is full of much Brahma knowledge.

His sacred name is Lomash Rishi. At the end of every Kalpa, each of his hair used to fall, hence his name has become Lomash Rishi. Only Maharishi Lomash, the knower of these three times, can help you. But he does not meet any king.”

Then all the people and Brahmins said "O King! We all will go and bring the solution to your problem from that great sage." All the people went to the forest with the Brahmins to get the wish of the king. Going to the forest, they all started searching for the sage. That's why those people got the darshan of the best sage.

Everyone went to him. After proper prayer and salutation etc., all the people stood in front of him. Seeing the sage, all the people were happy and said to each other, “We all have had the darshan of such a sage by luck. All of us will be benefited from his preaching.” Thinking like this, those people said to Muniraj, “O Rishiraj! Hear the reason for our sorrow. To end our doubts, we have come from far away to your shelter.

Then Rishiraj asked, "Why have you come to me only?" So everyone said, "O Swami! Having found a great man like you, what should we say to another man? You are the best among brahmins and sages. We do not see anyone better than you." Maharishi Lomash asked, "O great people! For what reason have you come here? What do you mean by me? Say clearly I will clear all your doubts. The penance of the ascetics is only for the benefit of others."

The subjects pleaded, "O best sage among Brahmins! We live in a city named Mahishmati. Our king is named Mahijit. He is pious, charitable, mighty, soft-spoken, protector of Brahmins. He is childless. O Lord! The mother and the father are only the givers, but the king is the real nurturer and uplifter."

The people further said, “We have come to this dense forest for the same king. O Dwij Shrestha! You tell me some way by which the king can get a child because it is a matter of great sadness that such a worthy king should not have any children. O best sage! By performing fast, donating and worshiping, etc., the king will get a child. Please tell us."

Maharishi Lomash, meditative after hearing these words of the people, started saying for the good of the king, "O Dwijs! You people listen carefully. I am telling the fast of Putrada Ekadashi. Worship Lord Vishnu on the Shukla paksha of the month of Shravan. After fasting for the whole day, feed the Brahmins and donate clothes to them. With the grace of Vishnu, they will definitely get children.”

When Maharishi Lomash said this, all the people stood up with folded hands and bowed their heads, and bowed down at his feet. After that everyone returned to the city. The villagers told all the events that happened in the forest to the king. Hearing these words of the people, the king of fame and pure intellect was very pleased and he observed Putrada Ekadashi fast with devotion and gave food to the Brahmins and donated clothes.

After some time, after Queen Sudakshina became pregnant, by the grace of Shri Vishnu, a beautiful and handsome child was born to the king. The king celebrated the son's festival by satisfying all the residents of the city. King Mahijit completely pleased the Brahmins by giving them money and gems.

This is such an effective fast. The people who observe this fast with devotion will get all the happiness in the world. You also observe this fast methodically. By the grace of Shri Vishnu Ji, all your heart's desires will be fulfilled. Your enemies will be destroyed. The person who listens to or narrates the fasting stories of Ekadashi, all his works are completed.

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