Aja Ekadashi (Bhadrapada Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual Raga

The Ekadashi which removes all sins is known as Aja. One who observes this fast by worshiping Lord Hrishikesh. His sins go away.

Aja Ekadashi (Bhadrapada Krishna) Vrat Katha
Aja Ekadashi (Bhadrapada Krishna) Vrat Katha

When does the fast of Aja Ekadashi come?

The fast of Aja Ekadashi falls on the Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada.

How to fast on Aja Ekadashi?

By fasting and keeping vigil in the night, observing it in this way, all the sins will be removed.


In ancient times, there was a truthful king named Chakravarti Harishchandra, the master of all. But due to the misdeeds of his previous birth, everything went out of his hands, his wife, children, and kingdom were all left out. That pious king became a servant at Chandal's place. But he did not leave the truth. By the order of the master, he started taking the clothes of the dead man as tax. That king did not turn away from the truth. In this way, many years passed for the king.

One day a Munishwar named Gautam came. Brahma has created Brahmin only to do charity. Seeing Munishwar, the king bowed down to him. With folded hands, the king stood in front of Gautama and told the story of his sorrow. Gautam was surprised to hear the words of the king. Munishwar preached this fast for the king.

"O king! The beautiful Ekadashi named Aja, which gives virtue has come in the Krishna Paksha of Bhadon. You fast on it, all sins will be destroyed. By fasting and keeping vigil in the night in this way, all sins will be removed."

Saying this to the king, Munishwar disappeared. After listening to Munishwar's words, the king observed a perfect fast. By observing that fast, the sin of the king was destroyed in a moment.

With the effect of Ekadashi, the king ruled flawlessly. The king went to heaven along with all the residents and family members. Those people who observe this type of fast, definitely go to heaven by getting rid of all sins. By reciting and listening to it one gets the fruit of the Ashmedh Yagya.

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