Rama Ekadashi (Kartik Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

There is an auspicious Ekadashi named Rama in Kartik Krishna Paksha. It is the destroyer of all sins.

Rama Ekadashi (Kartik Krishna) Vrat Katha
Rama Ekadashi (Kartik Krishna) Vrat Katha

When does the fast of Rama Ekadashi come?

The fast of Rama Ekadashi falls on the Krishna Paksha of the month of Kartik.

How to fast on Rama Ekadashi?

Accept the rules of fasting with devotion, perform Shradh in front of the idol of Shaligram at noon, worship pure Brahmins, and give food as Dakshina.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

Those people who observe this fast, they definitely go to heaven by getting rid of all sins. By reciting and listening to it one gets the fruit of the Ashmedh Yagya.


In ancient times there was a king named Muchukunda. He was a devotee of King Vishnu and truthful, following his religion, he became a flawless state. He had a daughter, her name was Chandrabhaga. She got married to Chandsen's son Shobhan. Shobhan once came to his father-in-law's house along with his wife. 

The fast of holy Ekadashi came on the same day. When the day of fasting came, Chandrabhaga started thinking that O God, what will happen? Her husband is very weak. He cannot tolerate hunger and her father's rule is very strict about fasting. Food should not be eaten on the day of Ekadashi. 

After listening to the words of Chandrabhaga, Shobhan said to his wife, "Hey beloved wife! What should I do now? Hey Chandrabhaga! Give me such teachings by doing which my life will not be destroyed." Chandrabhaga said, "O Shobhan! No one eats in my father's house. Even elephants, horses, and animals don't eat it, Kant! If you want to eat, then leave the house."

Shobhan said, "No. I will fast. Whatever is written in fate will happen." In this way, considering his fate, he performed the best fast. His body was suffering from hunger and thirst and he was very sad. The sun has set. That night became joyous to the Vaishnava men and became unbearable for Shobhan. Shobhan died at sunrise. The king got him cremated with fragrant sandalwood worthy of the kingdom.

After performing the last rites of her husband, Chandrabhaga started living in her father's house. With the effect of Rama's fast, Shobhan got a very delightful Devpur on the peak of Mandarachal. He went there on sitting on the throne. The crown, necklace, and armlets were adorned with them. Gandharva and Apsara started serving. Here Shobhan appeared like another Indra.

A Brahmin named Somasharma, living in Muchukund, reached the delightful Devpur while visiting for pilgrimage. He saw the king's son-in-law there and went to him. Shobhan quickly got up from the throne and greeted the Brahmin and inquired about the well-being of his father-in-law and the well-being of his wife Chandrabhaga and the people of the city. Somasharma said, "O king! Your father-in-law's house is fine. Chandrabhaga is fine and everything in the city is fine."

The Brahmin further asked, "How did you find this strange city?" Shobhan said, "Rama Ekadashi is held in Kartik Krishna Paksha. I did not observe this fast with devotion. That's why I have got this unstable Devpur. There is only one way to change it."

Brahmin said, "O Rajendra! Tell me that, and I will decide it." Shobhan said, "You just tell this story to Chandrabhaga, only he can stabilize this city."

The best Brahmin told the whole story to Chandrabhaga. Chandrabhaga became elated with surprise. Somasharma said, "O daughter! I have seen your husband with my own eyes and have also seen his city as bright as the gods. But he has described Devpur as unstable. You can only remedy it."

Chandrabhaga said, "Viprarshe! I have the desire to meet my husband. So take me there. O Dwij! With the virtue of my fast, I will make that city stable." With this, both of us will be able to live together. Reconciling the separated is a great virtue.

Hearing this, Somasharma went with him. Due to the effect of the sage's mantras and the fast of Ekadashi, Chandrabhaga got a divine body and attained divine speed. With happy eyes, she reached her husband.

Shobhan was also very happy to see his lady and called her and made her sit on his left side. Thus she lived happily with her husband. Being a divine form, she started enjoying the happiness, adorned with beautiful ornaments, Shobhan also started roaming with her in a divine form.

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