Utpanna Ekadashi (Margashirsha Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

Utpanna Ekadashi (Margashirsha Krishna) Katha

In ancient times, Shri Krishnachandra Ji described the great method of fasting on Ekadashi. Whoever listens to this greatness will attain Vishnulok after enjoying many pleasures. Respectfully worship Shri Govind with Naivedye in your home and donate lamps with devotion.

What is the name of Ekadashi of Margashirsha Krishna Paksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Margashirsha Krishna Paksha is Utpanna Ekadashi.

In which month does Utpanna Ekadashi fall?

Utpanna Ekadashi falls in November-December.

When does the fast of Utpanna Ekadashi come?

The fast of Utpanna Ekadashi falls on the Krishna paksha of Margashirsha month of the Hemant season.

How to fast on Utpanna Ekadashi?

In the eighth part of the day, when the sunlight becomes dim, the name of the diet at that time is Nakta Bhojan. Then eat the food. Take a bath and become pure. Give dakshina to the brahmins and bow down and ask for forgiveness. Its virtue is to the one who eats once a day.

Which is the best Ekadashi between Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha Ekadashi?

Religious people should understand the Ekadashis of both Shukla and Krishna Paksha as the same. One should not feel that there is any difference between these two Ekadashis.

Why is Margashirsha Krishna Ekadashi named as Utpanna Ekadashi?

Param Shakti was born on Ekadashi, due to which she was named Utpanna Ekadashi.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

  • The benefit obtained by taking a bath in the Shankhodwar area and seeing Gadadhar Dev is not even equal to the one-sixteenth part of fasting on Ekadashi.
  • By donating in Sankranti four lakhs times is special; by bathing in the solar and lunar eclipse in Kurukshetra, by performing Ashwamedha Yagya, one hundred times the fruit is obtained by fasting on Ekadashi.
  • In whose houses one lakh ascetics eat food daily, the help they get in sixty thousand years is by fasting on Ekadashi.
  • Those who fast on Ekadashi get ten times more benefit than the one who gives food to the 10 best Brahmins who have studied Vedas.

Giving food to the hungry is ten times more fruitful than that. While living in heaven by donating food, ancestors and deities are satisfied, there is no limit to the virtue of fasting on Ekadashi. Pilgrimage, charity, and rules, roar only until Ekadashi is not achieved, therefore people who are afraid of the world should observe Ekadashi fast. Even after doing a thousand sacrifices, there is no result equal to Ekadashi.


In the Satyuga, there was a demon named Mur, who was very surprising, fierce and fearful to all the gods. That stunning demon conquered Indra, Surya, Vasu, Brahma, Vayu, Agni with his glory. Troubled by all this, Indra went to Lord Shiva and said, “O God! We have come out of heaven and are wandering on earth. Hey, God! Now, what will be the speed of the gods?

Explaining the way of protection, Mahadev Ji said, "O Sur Shrestha! Go where Garuda Dhwaj Bhagwan (Lord Vishnu) is. He is the refuge, the protector of those who come." After listening to the words of Lord Shiva, Devraj Indra took all the deities along with him and went to the place where the Lord was sleeping.

Seeing Jagatpati sleeping in the water, he started praising God with folded hands, "O God of Gods! Salutations to you. Oh Lotus Eye! Madhusudan! Protect us, the gods who are afraid of demons have come with me. Oh Jagannath! You are the protector of all. You are the doer and cause, O Lord! You are the helper and pacifier of all the gods. You are the benefactor of the earth, the sky and all the worlds.

You are the protector of Shiva, Brahma and Triloki. You are the sun, moon and fire god. O protector of the refuge! Hey Mahayogin! The deities living from the demons have been corrupted by heaven, they have come to your shelter in fear, protect them. Hey Jagannath! We are roaming on the earth, corrupted by the place.

After listening to Indra's words, Lord Vishnu said, "Which elusive demon is the one who has conquered the gods?"

Indra said, "In ancient times, a fierce demon named Nadijangha was born who tormented the deity of Brahma dynasty. He has a famous strong son named Mur. The big city named Chandravati is his capital. Living in it, that strong evil conquered the world. The deities have been brought under their control and removed from heaven.

Agni, Yama, Pawan, Ish, Chandrama, Niriti Varuna, he himself has sat in their places, becoming the sun, he himself shines. Hey Vishno! He himself went like a cloud, the gods could not conquer him. Kill that monster and make the gods victorious.

Hearing the words of Indra, Lord Vishnu got angry and said, "O king of gods! I will kill that strong enemy of yours."

Lord Vishnu along with all the deities went to the demon Mur. The war started again between the army of Mur demon and the gods. As before, the strong asuras started defeating the deities, so that the deities left the battle and started running in ten directions. Then, seeing Lord Vishnu in the battle, the demon army got angry and ran towards him with many weapons. Seeing those demons running towards him, the God who holds conch, disc, mace, wounded their bodies with snake-like arrows.

Hundreds of demons were killed at the hands of God, the lone Mur demon kept fighting again and again by standing there. When God could not win him with the attack of weapons, the demon got angry and started fighting with his arms like Parigha. He fought with the gods for a thousand years. God was tired of that great war. Tired of that, the Lord came to Badrikashram, there the Mahayogi, the sustainer of the world, went to sleep in the beautiful cave named Hemvati.

That demon followed him in that cave, seeing him sleeping there, the demon started thinking in his mind that he will kill this Hari, the slayer of demons. Understanding such thoughts of that ill-will, a bright girl was born from the body of God. The goddess appeared for the war with the divine weapons.

That Mur demon saw the goddess, that goddess challenged the demon to fight, then that demon king started fighting with that girl, then that Mahadevi quickly broke the weapons of that Bali demon and destroyed the chariot in a moment, then she started fighting with her arms. Ran with great force. The goddess kicked him in the heart and threw him down. He then got up and ran with the desire to kill the girl.

Coming in anger, the goddess cut off the head of that demon and dropped it on the earth in a moment. The demon with severed head was found in Yamlok, the rest of the demons got scared and went to Patal Lok. Then the Lord got up and saw the dead demons in front of him. Seeing the divine girl humbly standing in front of him with folded hands, the Lord said in wonder, "Who killed this evil spirit demon in the battle?"

The girl said, "O Lord! I am born from your part, I have killed this demon. O Hari ! Seeing you sleeping, it got ready to kill you, thinking this as the thorn of the Triloki, I killed this evil demon and made the gods fearless. I am your mighty power that frightens all enemies, I have killed this fearsome demon to protect Triloki.

Shri Bhagwan said, “O Goddess! I am pleased with you for killing this monster. The deities became well-fed and the favor you have done to the deities caused joy in all three worlds. I am pleased with you, I will give such a boon which is rare even to the gods.

The girl said, "O God! If you are happy with me and you want to give me a boon, then give me this boon, so that I can save the people who observe my fast from great sins. O Lord, may I be blessed that whoever observes fast or eats in the evening, may attain salvation.

God said ′′ Amen! My supreme power has originated in the form of you Ekadashi and today's day will be called Utpanna Ekadashi. Those who fast on Ekadashi, such people will become famous in Triloki and reside in heaven. In this way, by giving him a boon, God disappeared and Ekadashi was very happy.

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