Jaya Ekadashi (Magha Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

This holy Ekadashi is going to destroy all the sins and demons of the yogis. By observing this fast, humans do not get a phantom vagina.

Jaya Ekadashi (Magha Shukla) Vrat Katha
(Jaya Ekadashi (Magha Shukla) Vrat Katha)

What is the name of Ekadashi of Magha Shuklapaksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Magha Shukla paksha is: Jaya Ekadashi.

In which month does Jaya Ekadashi fall?

Jaya Ekadashi falls in January-February.

How to fast on Jaya Ekadashi?

In the eighth part of the day, when the sunlight becomes dim, the name of the diet at that time is Nakta Bhojan. When to eat Take a bath at noon and become pure. By giving Dakshina to the Brahmins, bow down and ask for forgiveness. Its virtue is to the one who eats once a day. This fast is going to defeat all the sins. In this, worship Lord Damodar properly. Worship God well with Tulsi manjari and dhoop-lamp.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

This is Putrada Ekadashi which removes all sins. Narayan, who fulfills Siddhi and wishes, is its deity. There is no limit to the virtue of fasting on Ekadashi. Pilgrimage, charity, and rules, roar only until Ekadashi is not achieved, therefore people who are afraid of the world should observe Ekadashi fast. Even after doing a thousand sacrifices, there is no result equal to Ekadashi.


Once upon a time, Indra was ruling in heaven. The deities lived happily in that lovely place and drank nectar. Apsarais used to consume them. The whole heaven was adorned with Kalpavrikshas. Then once Indra happily made fifty crore heroines dance. There a Gandharva named Pushpa Danta was singing. A Gandharva named Chitrasen came there with his wife and his daughter Malini.

Malini's son was Pushpavan and Pushpavan's son was Malyavan. A Gandharvi named Pushpavati fell in love with Mallyawan Gandharva. His body was wounded by the sharp arrows of Cupid. She subdued Mallyawan with her beautiful looks, expressions, and sarcasm. To please Indra, Pushpavati and Mallyawan started singing along with the Apsaras. Being fascinated, his mind became wavering. Couldn't sing purely because of this.

The eyes of both of them were tied to each other and both were subjugated by Cupid. Indra came to know what was in the mind of both of them due to the deteriorating speed of taal and raga. Then Indra got angry and cursed both of them considering it an insult. Foolish sinners who disobey my orders! Shame on you You both become vampires. Go to the human world and enjoy the fruits of your actions.

Suffering from the curse of Indra, both of them became very sad by becoming vampires on the Himalayan mountain. Due to the curse, he had no knowledge of smell, taste, and touch. There was a burning sensation in the body, could not sleep. While traveling on that huge mountain, both of them suffering from cold started talking to each other. The vampire, suffering from cold, said to his wife, what grievous sin have we committed, due to which both of us got vampire vaginas.

I consider the vampire vagina to be a harsh and condemned hell. That's why one should not commit any sin. In this way, they started worrying due to grief. By chance Magh Shukla Ekadashi came. Among the dates, the famous date named Shrestha Jaya has arrived. That day both did not eat anything.

Both of them were sad and kept lying near the Peepal tree. The sun set on him lying like that. It was night, and they started shivering from the cold and became like roots, lying hugging each other with body and arms. There was no sleep, no happiness, and no desire for sex. Hey Rajan! In this way, the night of both those suffering from the curse of Indra was spent in great pain, but by fasting on Ekadashi and staying awake in the night, both of them heard the result of the effect of the fast. Hey Nripte! By fasting on Jaya Ekadashi and with the influence of Vishnu, on the day of Dwadashi, both demons were freed from the vagina. Pushpavati and Malyavan became beautiful, affectionate, and adorned with ornaments as before.

Both of them went to Indraloka sat in the plane and bowed before Indra happily. Indra was surprised to see them as before. Indra said that by the effect of which virtue did your vampire vagina goes away? Which god saved you from my curse? Malyavan said - By the grace of Vasudev and the fast of Jaya Ekadashi, we have been freed from the curse. Then Indra said that you became pure by fasting on Ekadashi and worshiping Vishnu. Now roam happily in heaven with Pushpavati. That's why whoever fasts on Jaya Ekadashi with devotion, enjoys in heaven for millions of Kalpas.

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