Pashankusha Ekadashi (Ashwin Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

Pashankusha Ekadashi is the holiest Pashankusha Ekadashi, which gives salvation to heaven and destroys all sins. Sins are removed just by listening to them.

Pashankusha Ekadashi (Ashwin Shukla) Vrat Katha
Pashankusha Ekadashi (Ashwin Shukla) Vrat Katha

What is the name of Ekadashi of Ashwin Shuklapaksha?

The name of the Ekadashi of Ashwin Shukla paksha is: Pashankusha Ekadashi.

How to fast on Pashankusha Ekadashi?

Take an early morning bath and follow the rituals to take the vow of fasting. Nirjala Vrat, fasting without drinking water or eating food, is the best Ekadashi Vrat to observe. If this is not possible, fasting can be observed by drinking water and abstaining from food. If that too is not possible, then the devotee can observe fast by giving up food twice or once a day. The most important thing for this fast is that there is purity in the mind. This fast prohibits gossiping, thinking/speaking badly about anyone.

Devotees who are fasting by eating one or two meals on Ekadashi are prohibited from eating beans and grains on Ekadashi. Non-vegetarian food, onion, and garlic are strictly prohibited on Ekadashi and Dwadashi.

According to the rules, sleeping during the Ekadashi fast is prohibited. If possible, the devotee should not sleep at night and keep himself awake praying to the Lord. The devotee should chant/sing the praise of Lord Vishnu/Padmanabha, and read Bhagwat Geeta, and other Holy Books through day and night. Reading or listening to Pasankusa Ekadashi Vrat Katha is a must on this auspicious day.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

This Ekadashi, which removes sins, is famous by the name of Pashankusha, in this man should worship Padmanabha. The fruit that is obtained by doing penance for a long time by controlling the senses, that fruit is obtained by saluting Lord Garuda Dhwaj. All the places of pilgrimage on earth are fruitful by chanting the name of the Lord.


Once upon a time, there lived a hunter named Krodhana on Vidhyachal mountain. He had committed many sins in his life, apart from hunting, robbing travelers, stealing others' sheep and goats, etc. When the end of Krodhana was nearing, he realized that he had committed many sins in his life and thus he would have to go to Yamlok in the end. Thinking about his awareness, he went to the shelter of Angira Rishi and went and told the whole story. The sage himself thought that whatever sins a man has, he will have to bear the consequences. After thinking a lot, the sage said to Krodhana that there is a solution by which your end will be good.

Sage Angira said that you fast on Pashankush Ekadashi according to the rules and fast on all the Ekadashi that comes after it. Don't do bad to any human being while you are fasting. Spend the rest of your life in the service of patients and keep chanting Narayan's name always, you will definitely get a good afterlife.

According to the statement of Angira Rishi, Krodhana did all the work and after a few years, the Yamdoots came to take Krodhana. They took Krodhana to Yamlok and there he was punished for all his sins. Then after that, a plane came in Yamlok which took Krodhana and went to Vaikuntha, and according to the statement of the sage, he got a good afterlife.

Those who have received the shelter of the bow-wielding Janardan, those humans go to Vishnu Lok after Yamlok. The person who fasts even for one Ekadashi due to occasion does not get trapped in the cycle of birth and death again after Yamlok, even after committing a difficult sin. As long as a man does not fast on Ekadashi named Padmanabha, sins remain in his body. This Ekadashi is going to give heaven, salvation, health, beautiful woman, and wealth.

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