Putrada Ekadashi (Paush Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

In ancient times, Shri Krishnachandra Ji described the great method of fasting on Ekadashi. Whoever listens to this greatness will attain Vishnulok after enjoying many pleasures. Respectfully worship Shri Govind with Naivedya in your home and donate lamps with devotion.

Putrada Ekadashi (Paush Shukla) Vrat Katha
Putrada Ekadashi (Paush Shukla) Vrat Katha

What is the name of Ekadashi of Paush Shuklapaksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Paush Shuklapaksha is: Putrada Ekadashi.

In which month does Putrada Ekadashi fall?

Putrada Ekadashi falls in December-January.

When does the fast of Putrada Ekadashi come?

The fast of Putrada Ekadashi falls on the Shukla paksha of the month of Pausha.

How to fast on Putrada Ekadashi?

In the eighth part of the day, when the sunlight becomes dim, the name of the diet at that time is Nakta Bhojan. When to eat Take a bath at noon and become pure. By giving Dakshina to the Brahmins, bow down and ask for forgiveness. Its virtue is to the one who eats once a day. This fast is going to defeat all the sins. In this, worship Lord Damodar properly. Worship God well with Tulsi manjari and dhoop-lamp.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

This is Putrada Ekadashi which removes all sins. Narayan, who fulfills Siddhi and wishes, is its deity. There is no limit to the virtue of fasting on Ekadashi. Pilgrimage, charity, rules, roar only until Ekadashi is not achieved, therefore people who are afraid of the world should observe Ekadashi fast. Even after doing thousand sacrifices, there is no result equal to Ekadashi.


There was a city named Bhadravati. There was a king named Suketunam, he had a queen named Shaivya. That king was sonless. The king was engaged in thinking for many days but the son was not born. Suketuman did not get happiness anywhere in the state and in the city. He was sad every day with his Shaivya Rani. Both the king and queen used to be engrossed in worry and grief. He became disheartened in his mind that a sonless man is not the fruit of birth.

The house without a son remains deserted, those who have a son in their house get fame in this world. There is good speed in the other world. Only those pious souls who have merit for hundreds of births have sons and grandsons! Wealth and knowledge are not available without virtue and devotion to God. In this way the king was engrossed in worry day and night, then Suketuman thought of suicide.

But considering it as a disaster in the next world, he dropped that idea. Seeing his body weak due to a lack of children, thinking about his own interest with his intelligence, the king went to the fierce forest by sitting on a horse. None of the priests etc. came to know about this. Roaming here and there in the forest, he started worrying. What evil deed did I do that caused such sorrow. I satisfied the gods with sacrifices and worship.

Why did I get such severe pain even after doing all this? Thinking thus, the king went further into the forest. Going forward, he saw a beautiful lake, near which he saw the hermitages of many sages and started getting good omens. The king's right eye and right hand started fluttering. The twitching of these organs appeared to be an auspicious sign. The king bowed down to all the sages sitting there separately.

That Munishwar also said with pleasure - O king! Say what you want. The king said - Hey ascetics, who are you, and what is your name, why have you come here? So say Muni said - We are Vishvedeva and have come here to take bath. The month of Magha is drawing near. Magh will start on the fifth day from today. Today is Ekadashi named Putrada.

Hey Rajan! Paush Shukla Ekadashi gives a son to those who wish for a son. Then the king said - I have also tried a lot to beget a son. If you are happy then give me a beautiful son. Then Munishwar said - O king! Today is the famous Ekadashi named Putrada. Do this best fast today itself. With our blessings and by the grace of God, you will definitely get a son. In this way, by his order, the king observed the best fast of Putrada Ekadashi.

After crossing the Dwadashi, the king came home after repeatedly saluting the sages. The queen became pregnant. Due to the effect of fasting, a bright and pious son was born on time. That child used to keep his father happy, then he sat on the throne and started obeying the people. That's why fasting should be done on Putrada Ekadashi. Those who do this vrat, they go to heaven after getting a son in this world.

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