Shattila Ekadashi (Magha Krishna) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

Dalbhya Rishi said - People commit many sins like killing Brahma, stealing other people's money, and causing trouble to others by coming to the human world; Tell him that by making a small donation, sins can be easily removed. Pulastya Muni said - O Mahabhag! You have asked a very beautiful question, which the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Indradi did not tell anyone. If you ask, I will tell you that secret.

Shattila Ekadashi (Magha Krishna) Vrat Katha
Shattila Ekadashi (Magha Krishna) Vrat Katha

What is the name of Ekadashi of Magha Krishna Paksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Magha Krishna Paksha is: Shattila Ekadashi.

In which month does Shattila Ekadashi fall?

Shattila Ekadashi falls in January-February.

When does the fast of Shattila Ekadashi come?

The fast of Shattila Ekadashi falls on the Krishna Paksha of the month of Magha.

How to fast on Shattila Ekadashi?

At the beginning of Magha month, take a pure bath and control your senses. Remember God by washing your hands and feet with water. Take such cow dung which has not fallen on the earth. Mix sesame and cotton in it and make a pind. Make 108 pind of them. After bathing, becoming pure, and doing kirtan, fast on Ekadashi.

Stay awake at night and perform Havan with 108 bodies made of cow dung. Conch, disc, and mace should be worshiped by God. Offer sandalwood, agar, and camphor. Recite the name of Krishna again and again by offering offerings mixed with boora. If all these are lacking, then betel nut is the best. Then after offering Arghya, worship Janardan and pray.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

The number of sesame seeds produced by sowing sesame seeds in the field. That man resides in heaven for that many thousand years. Bathing with sesame seeds, offering oblations, food, and charity, these six types of methods destroy sins. Hence the name of this Ekadashi is Shattila.


A Brahmin used to worship the deities while observing a vow of celibacy in the human world. She was engaged in fasting for a full month and always worshiped God. Used to worship Krishna while fasting. His body became weak by fasting daily. God saw that he did not donate food so that everyone is satisfied. God went to the human world to investigate him.

Taking the form of a beggar and taking alms, he started begging from a Brahmin. Brahmin suspected that beggar that he is not a beggar. Then the Brahmin said, "O Brahmin! Where have you come from? Tell me the truth." Then God said - "O beautiful, give alms." Then, filled with anger, he put the earthen lump in the alms bowl. Then God went to heaven.

He got a beautiful house by donating soil. But there was no food and money in that house. Then she came out of the house and came to God and said very angry, "I have worshiped the God who created all the worlds by fasting and worshiping very hard. But O Janardan! There is no food, or money in my house."

Then God said to her, “Go to your home in the same way as you came. The women of the gods will come to see you out of curiosity, then don't open the door without asking about the greatness of Shattila Ekadashi.

Then the women of the gods came to see him and said, “We have come to see you. You open the door." Manushi said, "If you definitely want to see me, then before opening the door, Shattila's fast must be said to be virtuous and great." One of them recited the greatness and said, “Manushi! Open the door, you need to see. Opened the door. They all saw Manushi.

That manushi, who followed the truth by the teachings of the goddesses, observed the fast of Shattila, which gives freedom. Then that human being became beautiful and radiant in a moment and money, grains, clothes, gold and silver all happened at her place. Donation made lawfully destroys all sins. This will not cause tiredness, disaster or pain in the body.

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