Nirjala Ekadashi (Jyeshtha Shukla) Vrat Katha Spiritual RAGA

There is Nirjala Ekadashi of Shukla paksha in the Jyeshtha month of the Sun of Taurus or Gemini, it should be observed without water.

Nirjala Ekadashi (Jyeshtha Shukla) Vrat Katha
(Nirjala Ekadashi (Jyeshtha Shukla) Vrat Katha)

What is the name of Ekadashi of Jyestha Shuklapaksha?

The name of Ekadashi of Jyestha Shukla paksha is: Nirjala Ekadashi.

In which month does Nirjala Ekadashi fall?

Nirjala Ekadashi falls in May-June.

How to fast on Nirjala Ekadashi?

There is no prohibition of water in baths and aachaman. The amount of water in which a whole grain of gold gets drowned is said to be suitable for water harvesting. This is the one who purifies the body. You should drink water to the brim by holding your hands like the ears of a cow. Drinking a little or more water than that is like drinking alcohol and do not eat anything, otherwise the fast is broken.

Do not have refreshments from the sunrise of Ekadashi till the sunrise of the next day. By doing this, he gets the result of Ekadashi of twelve months without any effort. Then on the morning of Dwadashi, after bathing in pure water, the one who donates water and gold to Brahmins, should eat food along with Brahmins. There is no doubt that fasting on this Ekadashi gives the results of all the Ekadashis that happen in a year.

How perfect is Ekadashi fasting considered?

By fasting on Ekadashi, a man is freed from all sins. Water is also prohibited in the Ekadashi of Shuklapaksha of Jyestha. The virtue that comes from all the pilgrimages and the fruit that you get from all the donations, that fruit is obtained by fasting on this Ekadashi. To get rid of all the sins by reciting this mantra, keep the senses under control and observe the fast with devotion. On the day of Dwadashi, Vamana, the God of the gods, should be worshiped with incense, flowers, water, and lamps.

Pronounce this mantra after worshiping methodically. "O Lord of the gods, O Lord of the senses! O one who crosses the ocean of the world! Give me the ultimate speed by donating an urn filled with water." Having said this, urns should be given to Brahmins according to their capacity. In this way, one who fasts on this Ekadashi which is holy and removes sins, he who fasts on this Ekadashi which removes all sins, gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme position.


It is a matter of ancient times, once Bhima said to Ved Vyas Ji, "His mother and all brothers suggest to keep Ekadashi fast, but it is possible for him to worship, but he cannot remain hungry during the fast. "

On this Vedvyas Ji said, "Bhima, if you know about hell and heaven, then do not take food on the eleventh day of every month." Then Bhima said, "Can one not observe a fast for the whole year? It would not be possible to observe a fast every month as I feel very hungry." Vedvyas refused

Bhima requested Ved Vyas, "Tell me such a fast, which has to be observed on only one day in the whole year, and by that one can attain heaven." Then Vyas ji told Bhima about the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Jyestha month, "In Nirjala Ekadashi fast, it is forbidden to take food and water. After sunrise on Dwadashi, one should bathe and donate to Brahmins and then feed them. One should observe the fast himself. A person who observes this fast attains salvation after death.”

After listening to the words of Ved Vyas Ji, Bhimsen agreed to the Nirjala Ekadashi fast. He observed Nirjala Ekadashi fast. Hence it came to be known as Bhimseni Ekadashi or Pandava Ekadashi.

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